The following examples show how to use parquet.avro.AvroParquetReader. These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.


throws IOException { final ParquetReader.Builder readerBuilder = AvroParquetReader.builder(path).withConf(conf);

Unlike the competitors, it also provides commercial support, and if you need it just write to or DM me on twitter @aloneguid for a quick chat. Thanks for reading. I have auto-generated Avro schema for simple class hierarchy: trait T {def name: String} case class A(name: String, value: Int) extends T case class B(name: String, history: Array[String]) extends For this we will need to create AvroParquetReader instance which produces Parquet GenericRecord instances. Scala Running the example code. The code in  15 Apr 2020 Hi guys, I'm using AvroParquetWriter to write parquet files into S3 and I built an example here 27 Jul 2020 Please see sample code below: Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(" "" { "type": "record", "name": "person", "fields": [ { "name":  For these examples we have created our own schema using org.apache.avro.

Avroparquetwriter example

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Use the PXF HDFS connector to read and write Parquet-format data. This section  files, writing out the parquet files directly to HDFS using AvroParquetWriter. schema definitions in AVRO for the AvroParquetWriter phase, and also a Drill  article, you will learn how to read a CSV file into DataFrame and convert or save DataFrame to Avro, Parquet and JSON file formats using Scala examples. AvroParquetWriter (Showing top 20 results out of 315) A Handler object accepts a logging request and exports the desired messages to a target, for example. To give an example of what I'm aiming for, my central piece of Avro conversion code currently looks like this: DatumWriter avroDatumWriter = new SpecificDatumWriter<>(MyData.class); DataFileWriter dataFileWriter = new DataFileWriter<>(avroDatumWriter); dataFileWriter.create(schema, avroOutput); The following examples show how to use org.apache.parquet.avro.AvroParquetWriter.These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. Example code using AvroParquetWriter and AvroParquetReader to write and read parquet files.

For example, the name field of our User schema is the primitive type string, whereas the favorite_number and favorite_color fields are both union s, represented by JSON arrays. union s are a complex type that can be any of the types listed in the array; e.g., favorite_number can either be an int or null , essentially making it an optional field.

This is the actual schema definition. Java Examples for parquet.avro.AvroParquetWriter.

Avroparquetwriter example

Exception thrown by AvroParquetWriter#write causes all subsequent calls to it to fail. Log In. and have attached a sample parquet file for each version. Attachments.

Se hela listan på private static ParquetWriter createAvroParquetWriter( String schemaString, GenericData dataModel, OutputFile out) throws IOException { final Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(schemaString); return AvroParquetWriter.builder(out) .withSchema(schema) .withDataModel(dataModel) .build(); } ParquetWriter< ExampleMessage > writer = AvroParquetWriter. < ExampleMessage > builder(new Path (parquetFile)).withConf(conf) // conf set to use 3-level lists.withDataModel(model) // use the protobuf data model.withSchema(schema) // Avro schema for the protobuf; FileInputStream protoStream = new FileInputStream (new File (protoFile)); try Example 1.

2018-10-31 · I'm also facing the exact problem when we try to write Parquet format data in Azure blob using Apache API org.apache.parquet.avro.AvroParquetWriter. Here is the sample code that we are using. I have auto-generated Avro schema for simple class hierarchy: trait T {def name: String} case class A(name: String, value: Int) extends T case class B(name: String, history: Array[String]) extends 26 Sep 2019 AvroParquetWriter.
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AvroParquetWriter. in. parquet.avro. Best Java code snippets using parquet.avro.AvroParquetWriter (Showing top 6 results out of 315) Add the Codota plugin to your IDE and get smart completions; private void myMethod @Override public HDFSRecordWriter createHDFSRecordWriter(final ProcessContext context, final FlowFile flowFile, final Configuration conf, final Path path, final RecordSchema schema) throws IOException, SchemaNotFoundException { final Schema avroSchema = AvroTypeUtil.extractAvroSchema(schema); final AvroParquetWriter.Builder parquetWriter = AvroParquetWriter … AvroParquetWriter parquetWriter = new AvroParquetWriter<>(parquetOutput, schema); but this is not more than a beginning and is modeled after the examples I found, using the deprecated constructor, so will have to change anyway. Then create a generic record using Avro genric API. Once you have the record write it to file using AvroParquetWriter.

[STRINGS] For all JSON string literals in the schema text, replace any escaped characters (e.g., \uXXXX escapes) with their UTF-8 equivalents. @Override public HDFSRecordWriter createHDFSRecordWriter(final ProcessContext context, final FlowFile flowFile, final Configuration conf, final Path path, final RecordSchema schema) throws IOException, SchemaNotFoundException { final Schema avroSchema = AvroTypeUtil.extractAvroSchema(schema); final AvroParquetWriter.Builder parquetWriter = AvroParquetWriter . builder (path) .withSchema(avroSchema); ParquetUtils.applyCommonConfig(parquetWriter, context, flowFile The following examples show how to use org.apache.parquet.avro.AvroParquetWriter. These examples are extracted from open source projects.

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A generic Abstract Window Toolkit(AWT) container object is a component that can contain other AWT co

Snappy has been used as compression codec and an Avro schema has been defined: Concise example of how to write an Avro record out as JSON in Scala - HelloAvro.scala val parquetWriter = new AvroParquetWriter [GenericRecord](tmpParquetFile If you don't want to use Group and GroupWriteSupport(bundled in Parquet but purposed just as an example of data-model implementation) you can go with Avro, Protocol Buffers, or Thrift in-memory data models.